HIMOINSA training at our facilities
Do we sufficiently highlight the incredible importance of Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Training in our industry?
As technology rapidly evolves and organizations strive for greater efficiency, O&M Training emerges as a vital component of success. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless functioning and longevity of complex systems; this is why, Guascor Energy ’s training centre in Vitoria is staffed with expert instructors and offers a broad base of courses catered to our end customers, distributors, and partners.
Our courses cover everything from basic product integration, through to operations and maintenance (O&M) and expert technical service for phases such as commissioning and overhaul.
In the photograph, Guascor Energy and HIMOINSA staff during the Operation & Maintenance Training course provided last week in our Training Centre facilities in Miñano (Spain), with technicians from Germany, Portugal and Spain.
Let’s Embrace O&M Training for Success!