Visit from Pandener, our Mexican distributor
Guascor EnergyA few days ago we received Pamela Bendímez and Santiago Pandal, Business Development Director and Commercial Director, respectively, of Pandener, a Mexican company that began its activity more than 20 years ago carrying out generation and cogeneration…

Meet our partners: GEN-TECH
Guascor EnergyGEN-TECH specializes in ptojects including CHP and Trigeneration. They help all customers on and off-grid who need more than just power. They take advantage of the heat produced and utilize throughout their facilities.
Bob Piske, CEO,…

New technicians for United Kingdom and South Africa
Guascor EnergyDuring November, our R&D center hosted a training for new field technicians who for the first time will assume responsibility for the commissioning of Guascor Energy G-SL/SM/HM engines in the United Kingdom and South Africa.