Turning Biogas into Power for South Africa


  • Creates a reliable source of power and heat
  • Reduces maintenance and operation costs
  • Minimizes energy costs
  • Brings growth and development opportunities to South Africa

The Opportunity

Johannesburg, located in the Gauteng Province, is an area of great potential in South Africa. With a population of more than 4 million, Johannesburg is the largest city in the world not situated on a river, lake or coastline.

The city, once known for its gold mining, is now a center for various services and heavy industries, including steel and cement production.

Due to increasing demand for power and heat, Johannesburg Water and Northern Works WWT wanted to expand its biogasproduction for use beyond firing boilers.

In light of rising electricity costs and pollution concerns, the project became a reality.

The Solution

Johannesburg Water partnered with Guascor Energy to expand and upgrade Northern Works WWT.

Guascor Energy boasts the largest installation base in its category and the first and unique reference in South Africa amongst worldwide gen-set suppliers.

The project employs a high performance anaerobic digestion process followed by a thorough gas cleaning.

This results in a massive production of biogas, which is then fed to the three modules of Guascor Energy G-24SL gen-set to generate 1.2MWe of combined heat and power. The heat and power produced is used in the digestion process and for grid export via Eskom to increase power supply. All of the biogas generated is used for power and heat supply, which helps minimize the impact of increased electricity costs.

The Business

Guascor Energy is a leading company with more than 50 years of experience in the design and manufacture of diesel and gas internal combustion engines with its own technology. The company offers some of the most efficient and environmentally friendly technology platforms, products and services in distributed power generation for oil and gas, industrial, institutional, commercial clients and rural electrification programs. In addition, our offer is completed by a range of diesel engines for marine applications for both propulsion and on-board generation.

A complete product range which meets the strictest regulatory and safety requirements always adapting to the customer´s needs.
Guascor Energy has a network of more than 50 distributors and partners worldwide, which in addition to our own staff, allows us to provide unparalleled proximity and respond to the specific needs of each of our customers at a fast and personalized pace.