Guascor Energy gas power generation units comply with the directives of both German and Polish grid codes
In its ongoing commitment to meeting the highest standards, Guascor Energy has developed solutions to meet the requirements set out in the grid codes for power generator sets. In most industrialized countries, compliance with the grid code requirements is basic for a reliable supply of electrical energy to the grid and is mandatory to operate in some territories.
After obtaining the certification confirming fulfillment of the German grid codes regulation, performance tests carried out on the gas generators with independent validation have confirmed the compliance of Guascor Energy gas power generation units with the directives of the Polish grid code, as defined in the PTPiREE 2021-04* and in the DRE.WOSE.7128.550.2.2018.ZJ**. @DNV-GL has certified this and issued the relevant certificates.
The main advantages for our customers are:
– Certified according to medium voltage guidelines of:
· German VDE AR-N-4110 y FGW TG8:2019-02
· Polish PTPiREE 2021-04 and DRE.WOSE.7128.550.2.2018.ZJ
· European Standard EN 50549-2.
– Grid stability protection during mains fluctuations without grid disconnection of the genset in the transient time range of 0-250 ms.
– Grid interconnection of the genset to the mains with excellent stability, even if the mains power disappears for 150 ms.
– Verification of grid stability through the use of simulation models.- Greater power plant reliability and availability during grid fluctuations.
*Conditions and procedures for using certificates in the process of connecting power generating modules to power networks
** Requirements of general application resulting from applying Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631,”
Download the brochure: Guascor Energy Engines power generation units meet the most stringent grid connection requirements