Discover Guascor Energy engines fuel flexibility
Low Methane Coal Mine Gas
Methane (CH4) is the second most important manmade greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide (CO2). CH4 emitted from underground coal mines may be collected to improve mine safety and to minimize greenhouse emissions while improving mine productivity.
The large ventilation systems in mines result in a low methane concentration gas which under normal conditions is released to the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. A cost-effective application is burning the low methane gas directly in an engine which is capable to handle it directly at the coal mine.
Guascor Energy has developed an engine which is able to capitalize this low methane gas producing up to 1.2 MWe of decentralized power with as low CH4 content as 13% with one machine, the G-56HM LCMM, that will keep running even if CH4 content goes down to 9%.
Synthesis gas, or Syngas, is the main product obtained in gasification processes, mainly high-temperature pyrolysis carried out on any type of biomass, residue or waste. Synthesis gases have a high content of Hydrogen and carbon monoxide – as well as a low methane content.
Syngas transforms waste into a source of energy, reducing the environmental impact not only in terms of the impact on the reduction of waste but also the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The main application of syngas is the generation of electricity and heat.
Our range of engines, with powers between 209 and 882 kWb, works with synthesis gases of different composition and origin, with an Hydrogen content of up to 50% and a PCI between 4.6 and 14 MJ/Nm3. At Guascor Energy, we supply engines with a single cooling circuit, which allows the use of syngas at high temperatures and thus minimizes the problems derived from the formation of tar due to condensation in sensitive areas such as the intercooler.
Landfill & Digester Gas
Starting from different types of raw material such as municipal solid waste (MSW), crops, garbage, POME (palm oil mill effluent), solid biomass, agricultural waste or animal manure, the use of different technologies, including anaerobic digestion in treatment plants and landfills or specific biomethanization processes, makes it possible to produce the fuel necessary to produce electricity and heat from internal combustion engines.
Guascor Energy has a complete range of engines specially developed and optimized to work with gases from anaerobic processes. S Series, with a power output between 252 to 1067 kWb, provides 41% efficiency with up to 90% global efficiency, while H Series, with a power output between 520 to 1373 kWb, provides 44% efficiency with 90,7% global efficiency
Our offer for this type of applications is complemented by a fuel blending system specifically designed to mix Natural Gas and Biogas that allows fuel change from 0 to 100% and any ratio in between, on the engine itself and with no need to stop the engine, which guarantees the availability of the genset.
The Waste to Energy sector requires local partnering with trusted developers, such as Guascor Energy partners, with a high level of know-how on the technology of gas producing, cleaning and adapting to the accepted gas composition.
Natural Gas
The use of Natural Gas as a fuel in power generation balances the volatility of renewable energy. By providing high flexibility in its operation, Guascor Energy Natural Gas engines become the main allies in any type of situation.
With a complete range of engines, distributed in three different series, S, H and E, Guascor Energy Natural Gas engines guarantee excellent thermal and overall behavior, all of which meets the most stringent requirements for polluting emissions, contributing, in In this way, to the reduction of global warming.
Guascor Energy Natural Gas engines provide great flexibility due not only to their modularity but also to its benefits, all accompanied by a compact design which facilitates a simple installation. In addition, Guascor Energy’s SL and HM natural gas engines can run on propane without modifying their configuration.
If you are looking for an engine to reliably deliver the power you need, wherever you need it and with all type of gases, Guascor Energy has the solution for you.
Our 8:1 compression ratio SL engines are specifically designed and optimized to run-on poor-quality fuel gases with methane numbers as low as 35, at any NOx level you need. Reliable engines, with good load acceptance performance and able to run either at 50 or 60 Hz with a very simple configuration upgrade. This is the solution you are looking for!
With a power range from 252 to 1067 KWb, these engines, initially developed to work with wellgas, APG and flare gas, are a very good fit for rental applications where there is a great variability in the gas composition depending on the power generation site and the power delivery commitment is high.
Propane is a readily available fuel, both in terms of ease of distribution and management once at the facility (in tanks without high temperature and pressure requirements). In this sense, propane is very similar to Diesel, but in return it has much lower emissions, significantly reducing the carbon footprint.
In addition to the propane-specific SM family, our SL, HM and EM Natural Gas engines are ready to work with propane right out of the box. At critical times when the availability of natural gas is low or its price is high, the engine can run directly on propane, without making any kind of modification. Guascor Energy’s propane specifically designed SM engines are the best option to make the most out of it. With a power range between 315 and 1067 kWb at 50 Hz and 60 Hz, this engine family provides the best performance in the most demanding operating conditions.
Guascor Energy’s SL HM, and EM natural gas engines can run on propane without modifying their configuration.
The SL engines, Ideal for power generation, cogeneration and trigeneration, have an output range from 252 to 1067 kWb at 50 Hz and 60 Hz. The HM engines, for its part, provide high performance and low life-cycle cost with a power output from 520 to 1373 kWb at 50 Hz and 60 Hz. And, finally, the EM engines provide bes-in-class efficiency with a power output of 2,065 kWb.
Hydrogen has become the main facilitator of the energy transition that must be carried out to achieve the decarbonisation of the economy and, with it, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The use of Hydrogen as an energy vector allows decarbonizing the most polluting sectors and industrial processes with high energy demand, in addition to the generation of electricity.
Regarding electricity generation, hydrogen allows the large-scale integration of intermittent renewable energy into the energy system, facilitating its distribution and storage, favoring the reduction or elimination of CO2 emissions produced by the use of fossil fuels.
These characteristics, together with its capacity to store and transport energy, have made hydrogen the energy vector par excellence of all the decarbonization strategies that are being developed around the world.